Algorithms and Data Structure Exercises
Binary search Algorithm
Implementation of a Binary Tree
Implementation of a Binary Tree Traversal
Bubble sort Algorithm
Count the frequency in an array
Count the number of students who passed
Create random numbers
Reverse a digit
Find the exponent of a number
Find the factorial of a number
Generate fibonacci numbers
Find the prime factors of a number
Find the prime numbers till a given number
Find the greatest common divisor of two numbers
Implementation of a Hash table
Insertion sort Algorithm
Find the kth smallest number in an array
Find the largest mono sequence in a string
Implementation of a linked list
Find the maximum number in an array
Merge sort Algorithm
Find the nth fibonacci number
Partition an array
Implementation of a queue
Quick sort Algorithm
Remove duplicates
Reverse an array
Selection sort Algorithm
Shell sort Algorithm
Find sine function
Find the smallest divisor of a given number
Find the squareroot of a given number
Implementation of a stack
Calculate total marks