Move a word continuously.
Add digits of a number.
Add alternative digits in a number and return an array of two sums.
Add two numbers without carry.
Find the area of a triangle.
Create a new array taking the first and last elements from a given array of integers.
Build a palindrome.
Capitalize the first letter of a word.
Check if the characters a and b are separated by exactly 3 places anywhere (at least once) in a given string.
Test if a given array of integers contains 30 and 40 twice.
Test if an array of integers of length 2 does not contain 1 or a 3..
Test if an array of integers of length 2 contains 1 or a 3..
Check which year(between 2014 and 2050) starts on Sunday.
Check if a given positive number is a multiple of 7 or a multiple of 11.
Check if 1 appears in first or last position of a given array of integers.
Check for leap year.
Check from two given integers if either one is 15 or their sum or difference is 15.
Check from two given integers if either one is 8 or their sum or difference is 8.
Various code snippets.
Concatenate two strings and return the result.
Concatenate two strings except their first character.
Create a new string of 4 copies of the last 3 characters of a given original string.
Create a new string of specified copies (positive number) of a given string.
Print current date.
Current Day and Time in specific format.
Days left for Christmas.
Create new string with first 3 characters are in lower case.
If the string length is less than 3 convert all the characters in upper case.
Test if a string end with "Script".
Check if a given string contains equal number of p's and t's present.
Even or Odd
Fizz or Buzz
Check from three given integers that if a number is greater than or equal to 20 and less than one of the others.
Guess the number between 1 and 10
Extract the first half of a string of even length.
Convert a number to hr and min.
Check if three given numbers are in increasing order.
Check if two numbers are in range
Find the kth greatest element of a given array of integers.
Find the larger number from the two given positive integers in a given range.
Find the larger value between the first or last and set all the other elements with that value.
Find the largest of three given integers.
Check if the last digit of the three given positive integers is same.
Find the longest string from an given array of strings.
Find the maximal difference among all possible pairs of a given array of integers.
Find the maximal difference between any two adjacent elements.
Find the maximal sum between any two adjacent elements of a given array of integers.
Create a new array taking the middle elements of the two arrays of integer
Find the number which appears most in a given array of integers.
Move last three character to the start of a given string.
Multiply or Divide.
Find a value which is nearest to 100 from two different given integer values.
Check if a number in the range..
Check a given string contains 2 to 4 numbers of a specified character.
Print current contents of the window
Divide two positive numbers and return a string with properly formatted commas.
Replace every character in a given string with the character following it in the alphabet.
Replace all the numbers with a specified number of a given array of integers.
Reverse the elements of a given array of integers.
Reverse a given string.
Check from three given numbers (non negative integers), that two or all of them have the same rightmost digit.
Rotate the elements left of a given array of integers.
Check if the first and last elements are equal of a given array of integers.
If the three numbers are same return 30 otherwise return 40 and if two numbers are same return 20
Check whether two arrays of integers of same length are similar or not.
Check whether two given integers are similar or not.
Sort the letters of a given string in alphabetical order.
Display the city name if the string begins with "Los" or "New" otherwise return blank.
Create a new string using the first and last n characters from a given string.
Create a string using the middle three characters of a given string of odd length.
Create a new string without the first and last character of a given string.
Create a new string without the first and last character of a given string if 'P'.
Check if a string "Script" presents at 5th (index 4) position in a given string.
Sum of n numbers.
Compute the sum of three elements of a given array of integers.
Compute the sum of absolute differences of consecutive numbers.
Compute the sum of the two given integers and check range.
Find the maximum possible sum of some of its k consecutive numbers.
Swap two numbers.
Swap the first and last elements of a given array of integers.
Find the types of a given angle.
Find the url of the page.
Count the number of vowels in a given string.